freerouletteonlineforfun| China Biopharmaceutical (01177.HK) received Chairman Xie Qirun's increase in 2 million shares

editor 2024-04-24 3次阅读

Glonghui April 24 丨 According to the latest equity disclosure information of the Stock Exchange,freerouletteonlineforfun, April 23, 2024freerouletteonlineforfun, China Biopharmaceutical (01177freerouletteonlineforfun.HK) Executive Director and Chairman Xie Qirun traded an average price per share of 2freerouletteonlineforfun.5891 Hong Kong dollars increased its holdings of 2 million shares, involving approximately HK$5.1782 million.

After increasing the holdings, Xie Qirun's latest shareholding was 6 million shares, and its shareholding ratio increased from 0.02% to 0.03%.

freerouletteonlineforfun| China Biopharmaceutical (01177.HK) received Chairman Xie Qirun's increase in 2 million shares