godofwarcrashingpcreddit| Cai Songsong Case: Corruption among Public Fund Managers

editor 2024-04-20 2次阅读

Crime of accepting bribes to non-state staff such as Cai Songsong, qu Quanru and Dong Boxiong and bribery to non-state staffGodofwarcrashingpcredditThe case was held at the Jinhua Intermediate people's Court on March 27. Cai Songsong used to be a top fund manager.GodofwarcrashingpcredditHe is a student in the junior class of the Chinese University of Science and Technology and has a doctorate in chip design. During his time at the Nuoan Fund, Cai Songsong successfully invested in the semiconductor industry and achieved a high rate of return.

However, Cai Songsong's investment style has raised questions because he bought a lot of Zhuoshengwei (300782) shares when the industry was in the doldrums, ignoring the cyclical rules of the industry. In addition, it is reported that public fund managers often take stock exchanges and manipulate stocks to make a profit. These actions caused losses to investors and caused panic in the market. At present, the Cai Songsong case is still under investigation, hoping that strict supervision will reveal the truth and protect the rights and interests of investors.

godofwarcrashingpcreddit| Cai Songsong Case: Corruption among Public Fund Managers

Plate name semiconductor concept keywords public offering funds, semiconductors, IPO bullish bearish (bearish) Cai Songsong ignores the law of industry cycle when investing in semiconductor companies, buys more and more, and buys the signage line, this kind of counter-trend operation is unreasonable. Cai Songsong was caught, talk about how Chinese public offering fund managers make money, Hexun self-selected stock writer risk tips: the above content is only as the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.